Monday, November 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
The deceptive assault of Animal People
Not that I'm judging. You read it and you decide.
-----Original Message-----
On Sep 28, 2009, at 8:35 PM, Animal Trainer wrote:
My name is Animal Trainer and I am an Animal Trainer with a Circus. My Unsuspecting Friend wrote me that you were interested in performing animals?
Animal Trainer
-----Original Message-----
From: Self-absorbed deceptive human
To: Animal Trainer
Sent: Tue, Sep 29, 2009 2:04 am
Subject: Re: performing animals
I am, thank you for contacting me, Animal Trainer. And thank Unsuspecting Friend, too, for connecting us.
It's an honor to speak with you directly. I've found the best way to learn is to do it yourself or to ask an expert!
You, as my perceived expert, are probably well aware of the controversy surrounding the topic of performing circus animals world wide. Entire countries have banned performing animals, dozens of British Columbian municipalities have placed restrictions on the industry, and numerous communities in the US even, won't allow the circus to operate in their locale. I'm sure you yourself probably directly interacted with concerned people ranging from animal compassionates to frightening extremists.
I have never been to a circus myself. Not as a supporter nor as a protester. I do hear indirectly that many trainers (hopefully yourself included!) feel that these bans and concerns are unwarranted. And only you know the reality of what you and the animals you train, care for, and perform with go through every day. Only you know know their health, their enrichment, and their challenges. You, better than anyone know how budgets might affect your choice in care methods, supplies, tools or time. Only you know the character of other trainers and circus management.
Would you be open to me asking you some questions about your experience training animals and performing with them in the Circus? My focus would be to discover how it feels to be a trainer responding to the controversy, to hear the good stories and the rough stories about living with captive wildlife on the road, and to find out, in your expert opinion, where what the real risks lie for performing circus animals and what you would do to improve your industry for everyone.
Self-absorbed deceptive human
-----Original Message-----
On Sep 29, 2009, at 7:00 AM, Animal Trainer wrote:
I would be open to answering questions. I enter this skeptically as I have been interviewed before only to see my words changed with no recourse after the fact. From your opening letter I sense the angle of your story is, at this point, leaning towards the "activists". You make no mention of the numerous studies showing that performing animals live longer and have more opportunities for "enrichment "
Animal Trainer
-----Original Message-----
From: Self-absorbed deceptive human
To: Animal Trainer
Sent: Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:10 pm
Subject: Re: performing animals
Animal Trainer, thank you for having an open mind. That is my goal too.
Yes, conflict sells, but diplomacy inspires change. It's not good journalism to present only one extreme point of view from either side, but rather to discover where even opposite views can see each other's perspective.
I wish to convey your intelligence and experience as an Animal Trainer in a way that would make an otherwise closed-minded burn-the-circus extremist consider that there is hope to work with instead of against. And conversely, I would like to convey the public animal concern perspective so well that even the most insulted and defensive trainer or employer would be inspired to work for transparent solutions. It's the middle ground that interests me most. And yes, you have to search the extremes to find that middle. Hopefully I find a middle. That will depend on my ability to communicate with everyone, I guess, and ask thought provoking questions of quality interviewees.
Thank you so much. There is no rush on this, thank goodness. Would you prefer I call, or email my conversation? I tend to be good in writing:-) Yes, I will edit everything into a piece at the end, but I will never change a quote, rest assured. Everything you say or write is a quote after we begin. My goal in speaking with you, which you are already revealing thank goodness, is the hope that you are the "open minded expert" on touring performing animals. But that always depends on you!
Self-absorbed deceptive human
-----Original Message-----
On Oct 2, 2009, at 4:27 PM, Animal Trainer wrote:
Yes, writing would suit me as well. I may have some other animal people interested in an intelligent discussion on captive and performing animals if you are interested.
Animal Trainer
-----Original Message-----
From: Self-absorbed deceptive human
To: Animal Trainer
Sent: Sat, Oct 3, 2009 3:40 pm
Subject: Re: performing animals
Thanks for suggesting other interviewees, Animal Trainer. I believe you train elephants, if I am not mistaken? What animals do your associates train? Do they work with you at a circus as well?
Self-absorbed deceptive human
-----Original Message-----
On Oct 3, 2009, at 4:12 PM, Animal Trainer wrote:
I have animal acts on a circus We have had elephants in the past, along with dogs, ponies, hippos, giraffes, zebras, big cats, camels, ostriches, goats, and primates. Most circus Animal Trainers have experience with many different species.
Animal Trainer
-----Original Message-----
From: Self-absorbed deceptive human
To: Animal Trainer
Sent: Mon, Oct 19, 2009 11:42 pm
Subject: Re: performing animals
Thank you, Animal Trainer! I've had a birthday and some out of state travel since we've spoken last. I am compiling a short list of questions now I hope you will feel inspired to expand upon and bring your intellect, passion and compassion to. Thank you so much again for offering your voice.
Self-absorbed deceptive human
-----Original Message-----
From: Animal Trainer
To: Animal Caretaker
What do you think? Do you want in? Check out her website
-----Original Message-----
From: Animal Caretaker
To: Animal Trainer
Hmmm, wary, very wary. Sad that eh?
She totally controls the outcome. Interesting she at least wants to converse.
I recently responded to several editorials. One can only take so much.
She does have an interesting viewpoint on stuff. And she's done lots of very cool stuff. Could be a great in to the 'natural' crowd, after all isn't that what animal training really is about? Speaking a natural language we've nearly lost.
Send me the list of questions when you get them. Still wary, yet curious.
Very disturbing thing happened at the little Circus. We went to the shows in little bitty home town Sunday. It's coming along nicely.
Next day this popped up on the internet. Like a stalker ~ rather disturbing to know they were out there and wonder who they are making the videos for. Other than that not a word in print or elsewhere really.
*link to youtube video of animal act on show*
Ooooh, they added the exploitative title and description since it was first posted. Dang, they must be getting paid for this. . .
Animal Caretaker
-----Original Message-----
From: Animal Caretaker
To: Animal Trainer
"Support your favorite cruelty-free/non-animal circus act and watch *Self-absorbed deceptive human* this Thursday!"
Found here: *link to TV show*
Whoa! No really, I'm thinking she's reeling you in. She's very self centered if you know what I mean. This is about her agenda, not animals, and def not us.
----Original Message-----
From: Self absorbed deceptive human
To: Animal Trainer
Sent: Tue, Oct 20, 2009 6:29 pm
Subject: Questions
Animal Trainer, attached are my interview questions for you. You are welcome to answer the questions quick and short, or if you feel compelled to expand, I would encourage you. There is no deadline on this, but I'd appreciate it if you return your answers before mid-November.
Generously offering your perspective on this passionate subject certainly helps and I want to thank you again, Animal Trainer. I know you are secure, intelligent and with opinion, so feel free to let me know what it is. Again, my respect and thanks to you on this subject.
Respect ...
Self absorbed deceptive human
-----Original Message-----
From: Animal Caretaker
To: Animal Trainer
Where do you think this self absorbed deceptive human got these questions????
Yeah, she was outta town all right, getting briefed at Peta.
Show her some of your intelligence and let her know you're not falling for it.
Wow, they are getting more and more underhanded. . .
Wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole methinks. And you?
-----Original Message-----
From: Animal Trainer
To: Self absorbed deceptive human
Sent: Thu, Oct 22, 2009 10:30 am
Subject: Re: Questions
"Support your favorite cruelty-free/non-animal circus act and watch *Self-absorbed deceptive human* this Thursday!"
And to think I almost fell for your, "Middle-ground". So much for " diplomacy" and " transparent solutions". Obviously "your" questions were written by PETA. Guess I'll go back to my amoral animals, my four legged friends incapable of deception. No wonder trainers don't interviews.
Animal Trainer
-----Original Message-----
From: Animal Caretaker
To: Animal Trainer
You think these are the answers self-absorbed deceptive human is looking for?
1. How long have you been training performing animals? How did you get your start?
1. How long have you been complimenting and falsely representing yourself to befriend people?
2. What companies and venues have your animals performed in? Which was your favorite and why?
2. What difference does this make? The question really is, "Why do seemingly intelligent people like yourself, choose to judge those of us that work with animals, without ever having met us or even seen a circus?"
3. What company do you work with now? How long have you been with them?
3. Been brainwashed have you? Think about it. Who put those thoughts in your head? Did you make them up yourself? If not, where did they come from?
4. What animal species have you trained?
4. What human species are you?
5. What animal species has been your favorite to work with and why? Share a fond story of working with this species.
5. Seemingly genuine question so as not to arouse suspicion of your true agenda. Nope, see right through this.
6. What species has presented the most challenges and why? Is there a species you do not wish to work with in the future? Share a story of how challenging animal training can be.
6. Have to say the HUMAN species. Only it has the biggest ego and desire to put those of us that deal honestly with animals out of work.
7. Have you ever encountered concerns from animal compassionates or activists? What form do these concerns come to you in (letters, protest, violence, ect?)?
7. Have you ever picked up shit? Real, stinky animal shit? Day after day, fed, watered, and cared for someone or something, other than yourself?
8. Do all circus trainers adhere to the same training techniques? Do you agree with all other animal training methods?
8. Do you have a lifetime to learn this? That's what is takes, not some 60 second sound bite, 20 minute video or one page blog.
No, I'm not falling for your ploy and allowing my ego to judge other trainers either.
9. Do you feel the Circus Animal Care Policy on paper is specific and assures performing animals' well being? Do you go beyond what is written in the guidelines?
9. What difference does any paperwork make if there are no more animals? Better we spend the time we can in their presence. We can fill out all the paperwork we want when they're gone.
10. After years of working with many different performing animal species, in many different venues, what is your animal care policy? What care specifics have you found to be essential and unwavering?
10. If you had even a clue of what it takes to work with animals you would be embarrassed to be asking these questions.
11. *XYZ Circus* for animal abuse charges. What comments do you have regarding this case?
11. Actually that is not what the case is about. Do your research and get back to me.
12. Are the Circus animal handling techniques provided as video evidence to the court by PETA representative of industry standards? Do you feel this court case places unjustified scrutiny on your training?
12. Can you say deceptively edited video? How about huge sums of money wasted while elephants disappear before our very eyes? Again, you have nowhere near the time to begin to understand any of this. Now go exercise and wash your dreads.
13. Do assistants or performers come into physical contact with your animals in your current venue? What type of training do assistants and human performers go through before contact? Have you encountered safety issues and how could they be prevented next time, if so?
13. Done exercising and self promoting yet?
14. Does the public come into physical contact with your animals? Has there been any issues and how could they be prevented next time, if so?
14. Hopefully you will never come in contact with my animals. Nope, don't think you deserve to enjoy the bliss of true animal communion and communication. Maybe in your next life.
15. Have you worked with any endangered species? How does the Endangered Species Act allow for circuses to work with endangered species?
15. Like I said, maybe in your next life. That is of course, unless you have your way and elephants no longer exist then. Fewer, is fewer, period.
16. There is conflict between animal compassionates/activists and circus producers/animal trainers. How can they communicate with you better?
16. Conflict? More like harassment and deception as you have well proved. Pick up shit for 10 years, then maybe we can talk.
17. Has there ever been a concern, well presented, that you too agreed with and initiated an improvement on?
17. Done exercising yet? Oops isn’t it time to espouse your personal hygiene methods and blog about them again?
18. How can circuses and your present employer communicate better with animal compassionates/activists? Does transparency in animal handling and care improve public relations?
18. Yes, the brainwashing has been very successful. Every self absorbed deceptive human I meet has an opinion based on useless facts, TV shows and knows it all. Soon they'll have everyone brainwashed and there will no longer be elephants in the circus, or anywhere else.
19. As an expert in your field, what is your advice to each side?
19. Side? I thought you said middle. Nope, not falling for it. You have proven yourself to be deceptive and ego centric. Go back to undress, throw some knives and exercise some more. We'll still be caring for animals in the real world, on their terms, 24/7 until we're no longer allowed to.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Aerialists take white flight for commercial
Monday, October 12, 2009
It's not the Great Pumpkin, it's BIG APPLE CIRCUS!
To purchase your discounted tickets to the Big Apple Circus:
By Phone: CALL 888-541-3750 and mention code POP10
In Person: Big Top Box Office 10AM–6PM daily. No service fee.
Bring a copy of this blog post
*Offer good on select seat locations and performances. Must present this blog post to receive discount at the box office. Performance schedule subject to change. Offer is subject to availability; not valid on prior purchases; cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions. This offer can be revoked at any time. Discount amount varies. Limit 8 tickets per order. No refunds or exchanges. Telephone and Internet orders are subject to standard service fees.
Tickets for performances at upcoming venues are currently on sale to Big Apple Circus members only. In addition to knowing your membership helps kids in need; benefits include discounted tickets, VIP seats, invitations to exclusive member-only events, and more! For full details, check out:
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Pink Takes Flight
Or the girl who never wants to be alone
I don't wanna be that call at four o'clock in the morning
'Cause I'm the only one you know in the world that won't be home
Aahh, the sun is blinding
I stayed up again
Oohh, I am finding
That's not the way I want my story to end
I'm safe
Up high
Nothing can touch me
But why do I feel this party's over?
No pain
You're my protection
But how do I feel this good sober?
I don't wanna be the girl who has to fill the silence...
The quiet scares me 'cause it screams the truth
Please don't tell me that we had that conversation
When I won't remember, save your breath, 'cause what's the use?
Aahh, the night is calling
And it whispers to me softly, "come and play"
Aahh, I am falling
And if I let myself go, I'm the only one to blame
I'm safe
Up high
Nothing can touch me
But why do I feel this party's over?
No pain
You're like perfection
But how do I feel this good sober?
I'm comin' down
Comin' down
Comin' down
Spinnin' round
Spinnin' round
Spinnin' round
Looking for myself.. Sober
Comin' down
Comin' down
Comin' down
Spinnin' round
Spinnin' round
Spinnin' round
Looking for myself.. Sober
When it's good, then it's good, it's so good, 'till it goes bad
Till you're trying to find the you that you once had
I have heard myself cry
Never again
Broken down in agony
And just trying to find a friend
I'm safe
Up high
Nothing can touch me
But why do I feel this party's over?
No pain
You're like perfection
But how do I feel this good sober?
I'm safe
Up high
Nothing can touch me
But why do I feel this party's over?
No pain
You're like perfection
But how do I feel this good sober?
How do I feel this good sober?
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Brittany Spears Circus Tour
Monday, August 3, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
El Circo - Photos by Mary Ellen Mark.
Elephant Carwash
JULY 27, 2009
Wildlife Safari - Winston, OR
A wildlife safari in Oregon has come up with an unusual way to raise money in the tough economic climate.
For $20, visitors can have their car washed by the zoo's elephants, who scrub with sponges and rinse with their trunks.
Wildlife Safari Executive Director, Dan Van Slyke, and Elephant Supervisor, Carol Matthews, claim that the elephants don't mind the work, and that the fundraiser has been a hit.
Here's a link to video:
Monday, July 27, 2009
Galloping Guns
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Willie Nelson & Bob Dylan Summerfest 2009
Willie Nelson, busted 3 years ago for pot and mushrooms, was performing at age 76 to a huge mixed-age crowd. Starting promptly at 7:30 he sped through song after song, seemingly challenging the band to keep up with him. With nary a word to the audience between songs he was like a musical parody of himself. Don't know if he was on auto pilot or just in the groove and playing through. For those of us in the higher rows, having bought "best available" seats, only to notice that the next section over was closed and totally empty 25 rows closer, my ears hurt from the higher pitches and my eyes failed to see much really. He was just a small figure on the stage and the huge projection screens weren't being used. We were told that Bob Dylan nixed them saying, "This is a live concert, not television." Have to wonder if he just didn't want anyone to see him close up. Or at all really as when he took the stage the lighting was dimmed and shadowy. Dylan's voice failed him but his band was tight and well dressed complete with hats. They played separate sets and we wondered if Willie wasn't making a poke at Bob in one of his songs. Couldn't understand the lyrics well enough to tell.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Tito Gaona - Circus Movie Star Flyer
Friday, June 26, 2009
Circus Flora Medrano 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Circus that is Britney Spears
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Yulee Diddley Day in Archer, FL 6-6-09
David Yulee, was an imaginative entrepreneur, wily politician, brilliant orator, and man of great charm and charisma. FL's first US Senator.
Bo Diddley, born Ellas Otha Bates, was an original and influential American rock & roll singer, guitarist, and songwriter. He was known as "The Originator" because of his key role in the transition from blues music to rock & roll. As Tom Petty says, "Elvis was King, but Diddley his Daddy."
Both lived in Archer.
A local couple has refurbished their home into the U.S. Victory Museum from donated artifacts including seldom seen health posters. Civil War Reenactors also participate.
Proof positive PEACE and LOVE are the only answer and we CAN all get along.
Comments welcome!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Bo Diddley Day?!?!?!
I live in Archer and am looking forward to this. I ran into Bo at the airport on occasion and am I glad I had the nerve to chat him up. He was the nicest guy and when asked what advice he would give to fellow musicians he encourged them to follow their own muse and do it their own way. Worked for him.
From the Gainesville Sun
Diddley was incredibly visible and involved in the Archer community during his lifetime said Faith Fusillo, Diddley's former business manager who now helps oversee part of his estate. If an organization needed help raising money, Diddley would be there with a guitar and amp, ready to perform, she added.
"He was a very common man. Bo wasn't about limousines and tuxedos, he was more about tractors and overalls," she said.
Fusillo likens the memorabilia exhibition to a mini-Graceland. It includes some of Diddley's stage costumes, a guitar he used up until his last performances, his leather cowboy hat and many awards, including his induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Diddley's estate managers had countless offers to display his memorabilia in large cities, but waited for the opportunity to show it in Archer because of Diddley's connection to the area, Fusillo said.
"Bo lived and died in Archer," she said. "He traveled the world, but always chose to come home to Archer."
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Read it, don't weep! Spectacle Magazine
I've subscribed from the beginning and have enjoyed seeing the evolution and reading the intelligent discussion of circus as an art form. Not to mention the inspiring photos and reviews that keep me abreast of circus worldwide. Thank you Earnest Albrecht for your discerning observations and dedication in keeping this magazine going.
I highly suggest a Sponsor subscription and you'll be looking forward to each and every issue in your mailbox, tearing off the envelope and sitting down to read, being transported around the world, in front and behind every circus out there without leaving your easy chair. All that's missing is the smells.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Ooh la la ~ a Cirque Tell-all?
Let's just say I knew this guy when he had hair. This book could be quite interesting. The timing of the release couldn't hurt ticket sales I suppose.
Who do you think will play him in the movie?
Le livre - Guy Laliberté :
When you click on the links below to read the articles be sure to read the comments too. I found them to be quite revealing in many ways.
So far this site has the best comments regarding the true legal implications for all Canadian women.
Unauthorized bio exposes sordid details of Laliberté's life
Sex, drugs and the trapeze.Halperin says he started out with a distorted, one-sided view of Laliberté, based on what the billionaire’s ex-common-law wife – the mother of three of Laliberté’s five children – told him.
But he was set straight by the many friends and employees – current and former – who spoke of Laliberté’s generosity and vision in combining art and enterprise.
“He has helped so many people and provided so many opportunities,” Halperin said, mentioning among other things the One Drop foundation to fight poverty in the world by giving everyone access to water.
Laliberté has pledged to donate $100 million over 25 years to cover its operating costs.
“The message is he never forgot where he came from and never abandoned his friends,” Halperin said. “He’s a simple guy with a lot of dough.”
A posted comment says. . .
There is no Hard work behind the cirque (at least from Lalibertes part), everything was stolen from the previous founders, Cirque du soleil is a non lucrative entity that was founded in 1978 , Guy joined the entity in 1982 and managed to sneak his way around the original founders to take control of the company and pocket all income (in most cases this is considered theft) As far the no gas money to return fro the US , its a completely bogus and false urban legend,at the moment the urban legend takes place Guy used company funds to purchase himself a convertible Porsche 911 and spent most of his time snorting cocaine and having a good time with Los Angeles Prostitutes, leaving the rest of the management and troops in limbo and with no money to operate (fortunately they were a success and received a partnership offer from a major studio , Guy backed out of the deal after a few days Is he a good guy ? maybe for those who were not drugged or paid to have sex with him and other strangers among other things , why is it that people glorify his parties ? anyone else doing the same thing would be charged for drug possession (in large quantities ) and Rape . He is an egomaniac who loves to abuse and control people , he is a sexually depraved homosexual in the closet (unless you sign the ND Form) who not so deep inside hates women. Remember what i said before C D SOLEIL is a NON LUCRATVE entity who takes advantage of millions and millions of taxpayers money and does not pay taxes, on the other hand he controls over 50 incorporations who supply al services to C D S, such as event planning , tickets, ropes , transportation ,etc Long story short " I will use your money" , to finance the operation of a company that will make my other companies a lot of money. Unfortunately most Quebequers will say "Hey on l'aime Guy , y a du Cash
The circus was sexually charged, too, according to Halperin. One ex-female acrobat tells him Cirque was run by "horny little boys" whose goal was "to [bleep] as many women as they could until they dropped dead. They were all decent human beings until it came to women . . . They would not take 'no' for answer. First they tried to charm you -- they were certainly most charming -- and if that didn't work they'd ply you with the most expensive booze, get you stoned, and voila, the next morning you'd wake up in their bed naked."
Oh? Really? Sheesh, and that's surprising?
People making comments here are a bit less politeRizia mentioned that Guy used to spend the nights making merry with younger girls while Rizia was left behind at home to take care of the children. Rizia informed that Laliberte had connections with so many women behind her back. Rizia said that although Laliberte tried to hide his guilt, each time, he used to get caught!
Every time Rizia used to discover Laliberte’s deeds, she used to confront him always and the proud creator of Cirque du Soleil had nothing to say in his defense! Rizia said that Laliberte had made her life miserable. Author Halperin had been told by Rizia that Laliberte used to come home after having sex with other women and then he fulfilled his urges with Rizia.
Rizia said that if she would have known this fact, then she would have never indulged in a sexual relationship with Guy. In that way, Laliberte has not only been regarded as unfaithful by Rizia, but she said that Laliberte’s multiple sexual relationships with multiple women had posed a risk to her health.
Delved a little deeper on the internet and came up with these links.
The plot thickens . . .
Here's the author's blog titled, "IAMUNDERCOVER.COM"
And the cyberpaper, "LeSoleil" in French,
translates understandably into English at
I've always thought there was a soap opera waiting to be produced entitled,