Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Fix a flat under a nearly full moon

Heading home from yoga I got the call. Stuck on the side of the road. A can of Fix-a-Flat and my cheap plastic inflater later, we managed to limp down the road and leave the truck at the local repair. The tire was smokin' when we finally got there. My circus travels have schooled me well.

Funny thing thinking back now, was the guy at the CVS where I bought the Fix-a-Flat. He asked how I was doing and I replied, "I'll give you one guess," as I handed him the can. Didn't phase him as he continued the checkout and stuffed it into a plastic bag. Hmm, I thought, I really don't need this bag as I handed it back, and this guy? He's asleep at the wheel. Like a robot he was. . . eerie.

Earlier in the day this I saw this when I stopped at the local gas station.
This little piggie goes to market?
Wild boar anyone?

Monday, September 24, 2007

Tie Dye *LOVE*

Elise & Lynn went to a flagger tie dye workshop taught by Phillip.

Ooooh, the black light reactive dyes took our breath away. Although it was a drizzly day our bright colors shone. The commaraderie was fun to share.

Phillip's creative spark inspired our own.

Each beautiful finished work a peek at our souls.

Looking forward to finishing our flags and waving them proud.

Thanks Ben for hooking us up!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

UF Taser incident

This incident made my stomach turn and my eyes tear. Obviously the guy was well read and passionate about the questions he was asking, and excited at the opportunity to do so. I work in an adult psych unit and watch as mental health techs and nurses handle far more violent, psychotic people without the use of tasers or physical restraint. Had they simply stepped away from him and allowed him to finish his thoughts it would not have turned into a display of force. John Kerry did acknowledge him and was going to answer. The UF police use of force caused the incident to escalate. What is even more upsetting is that everyone in that room sat and watched as he was brutally tasered at close range. This is unconscionable. It could have been you. UF needs to address this and never allow it to happen again. More power to the passionate among us that dare to ask difficult questions.

Peaceful means are scientifically proven. Take a lesson UF. Perhaps if the school spent more funding on the arts and non-violent intervention rather than the win-lose mentality of sports this type of thing would not happen. Sad, sad, day, in my humble opinion. Let's hope we learn from this.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Face time

"Art is our one true global language. It knows no nation. It favors no race. It acknowledges no class. It speaks to our need to heal, reveal and transform. It transcends our ordinary lives and lets us imagine what is possible. It creates a dialogue between individuals, and communication between communities. It allows us to see and to listen to each other."
Richard Kamler

Came across this blog poking fun at the war protesters because it had the word circus in it. (The word circus hasn't always been used so disparagingly.) Granted, the protesters are not pro musicians in this case, but everyday humans raising their voices in song, letting loose rhythms in time to their heartbeats, dramatizing atrocities lightheartedly, perhaps because the pain of it all is too much to bear if you take it seriously. Maybe if we didn’t spend the trillions of dollars on warfare we could better learn how to sing, play music and perform theater. Hmm, what would the world would be like if instead of bombs and militia we had songs and festive gatherings? Surrounded ourselves with artworks, statues, paintings, beauty?

If we choose to support conflict instead of peace, we get what we buy. Must you respond so negatively? Isn’t there just a tiny space in your brain to begin to think differently? To embrace others voices and hear what’s at the heart of it all? To envision a kinder gentler world as this president’s father once said? There is such anger in the air these days. People respond so heartlessly and spew cruelties upon hearing or seeing another point of view. Anger is a cover for pain. What is this pain we are feeling? Perhaps dialogue is the answer. But instead we bury ourselves in thankless work, the incessant drive for more and more money, leaving loved ones behind and there is no face time left. We peer into our computers and televisions instead of into each others eyes. We change the channel instead of considering a differing point of view. We have 60 second opinions like the newscasters we’ve been listening to. There is no depth. No deeper thought than the 1 minute commercials we’ve been brainwashed by.

Whew, I just had to let that loose.

Melanie and son BeauJarred Schekeryk 2007

On a kinder, gentler note. I also came across this petition to put “Melanie” into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I visited there once and it is a fine testament to the power of music and its influence on our history. I’d like to see her included. Here’s the link, decide for yourself.

Peace out,


p.s. - As I searched online for the author of the first quote I was stunned. It comes from an artist speaking exactly to what I just wrote. Here's a clip and a link. I suddenly feel a little less alone.

I want to introduce you to Seeing Peace.

Former Secretary of Defense of the United States, Robert McNamara, commenting on wars of the 20th century, wrote:

"In retrospect, we can now understand these catastrophes for what they were: essentially the products of a failure of the imagination."

Seeing Peace was born out of an understanding that this failure of the imagination is the missing link in most institutional responses to conflict and hostility in the world. That without the imagination, without the ability to "think outside the box," without a vision from our creative community, our responses to war and aggression will only institute more wars and aggressions.
Seeing Peace intends to rectify this by bringing the artist to the table. We intend to manifest a forum where the imagination is not only present, but is an active participant in the process of envisioning peace.

In traditional societies art was integral to the community. Essential to its survival. The artist was considered an important part of the community. Artists were looked at to shape the community as creative life and for their imaginative input during times of stress or simply when all leaders came to the table to discuss issues of concern.

The artist was invited and came to the table.

Seeing Peace presents a vision. The act of creation marks a victory over destruction and death.
We celebrate the artist at the table.

See Peace.

Richard Kamler

But I do believe in the power of art to change consciousness. And I know that the simple persistence and the will to go on working, declaring oneself visible and accountable is the only sure practice through which we can live and keep alive our goals and visions.

- Arlene Raven

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Pangea Day

Echoing peace into the future through the power of film worldwide.

TED is a conference I first learned of through Charles Fleischer. (Be his myspace friend) I met him in LA when I was helping Shelly Ladd raise funds for her retired research primate sanctuary, Mindy’s Memory.

After his standup bit he donated for the cause, we ran into him at a restaurant next door as he was huddled over his papers searching for clues to the mathematical problems called Moleeds he’s been calculating for years. You may know of him as the voice of Roger Rabbit. He’s also a digital artist, musician, actor, poet and stream of consciousness comedian. He told me of his excitement at performing for TED. I’m heartened to know that the brightest minds in our time are working towards a better world cooperatively. One of these people is Jehane Noujaim. Each year TED awards funding for several projects and hers is one that speaks to world peace. You can see her presentation here and learn more about it.
Learn about submitting a film here.
Spread TED.

As I post my videos online I wonder what effect I will have as they sear into others brains. I hope that I can open people’s eyes and minds to thinking and believing in the possibility of world peace. No small feat, but nor is it insurmountable. Not with the power of video in the independent hands of everyone so that we can see for ourselves, once and for all that we really are all one people, on one planet, and our differences are not worth fighting over.

Peace, yes. With the hearts and minds of people like these I truly believe it is on its way.

Don’t you?

Charles' Art

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

All we are saying. . . .

is give Peace a chance.

The Peace Alliance
presented an entertaining and informative production on Monday. It brought me to tears. It seems so simple to me, to choose peace. I went to my legislators websites to encourage them to support HR 808 a bill to establish a United States Department of Peace.

A Department of Peace will work to:
-- Provide much-needed assistance to efforts by city, county, and state governments in coordinating existing programs; as well as develop new programs based on best practices nationally

-- Teach violence prevention and mediation to America's school children

-- Effectively treat and dismantle gang psychology

-- Rehabilitate the prison population

-- Build peace-making efforts among conflicting cultures both here and abroad

-- Support our military with complementary approaches to peace-building.

-- Create and administer a U.S. Peace Academy, acting as a sister organization to the U.S. Military Academy.

-- And more…

When I submitted the form it asked what my request was regarding. There were 45 subjects listed - such as:
Homeland security
Military academies
War in Iraq
War on Terror

but not even the word peace. Hmmm, yeah, I think it's time it was an option. Violence is a learned behavior and can be unlearned given the resources and attention. Would you consider giving it yours?

It only took me about 10 minutes to let my legislators know. Click here to learn more and let yours know too.

"More than an end to war,
we want an end to the beginnings of all war."
Franklin Roosevelt

Heartfelt thanks,


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Yikes, another year already?

It was my birthday last Saturday. Whoo hoo, yeah right. Hard to believe another year's gone by. What have I learned? How have I grown? What difference does it make anyways? Hehe.

This is my birthday wish:
The greatest gift you can give to me is to follow your bliss and grow into
your ‘self'.

Makes it easier for me to do so
my 'self'.

Got my "FREE" birthday chiropractic adjustment. Dr. Johnston and his minions will set you straight. Having visited chiropractors across the nation during my circus daze, I know a good crack when I hear one. Next I treated myself to Big Ron's Yoga. Yoga is my drug of choice. Meditation is my medication. Because of the summer heat I have resisted going to Bikram, aka "hot yoga", 100 minutes at 100 degrees. Ugh. But the reality is it makes me feel soooooo good and when you leave it feels cooler outside. Made myself a committment to go more often this year.

Oftentimes I can't find the words I need so I make them up.
Remember folks, you heard it here first. My gift of words to you. :)

Visionaerialist - my self-coined moniker. I've been a pro aerialist in this life. I'm also a very imaginative person. So in order to describe myself I put the two together. Simple, no?

Ambitchous – Bitchy and ambitious. You know what they say about women with power. I say more power to them.

Perhaps it's "all about the money." Just came across an interesting study that said even the thought of money makes people mean, “less helpful, less considerate and less willing to ask for assistance or engage with others than those who have not been "preconditioned" to money.”

Bills to pay? Forget about it, I want to be nice. Generous even. Anyone need a little extra cash?

Virticariously - Living virtually and vicariously. I’ve never been able to get hooked on soap operas. I’ve tried at times so I could converse with those that do. Better than a soap opera, going online and reading myspace, facebook, blogs and evesdropping on the drama, love lost and love found is life’s reality show. The vengeance of the jilted and bragging rights of happiness. As I’ve become a recluse here in the woods leading an “insular” life, I find myself traveling across the world into others lives and comparing them to my own. I find the lies people tell and uncover truths I’d rather not know. It is easy to live an illusion on the internet with chats, IM’s and emails. There is so much missing; tone of voice, facial expressions, body language. But we’re back to writing and reading more and that can’t be all bad. It takes longer to write and you have the option to edit before you speak. Seems we hear what we want to hear, in the tone we want to hear it, when we read and listen to the voice in our head. It seems we’re all lonelier than ever and searching for that connection we all crave so. Bumping into others with similar interests is easier, but overcoming physical distance is frustrating to no end. I think I’ll just stay here and talk to the trees. Only problem is I hold them close and they don’t hug me.

Spent a night and a day at the beach. Oh, I so needed that. I hadn’t realized how much it was missed. Marveled as the huge, orange-red moon rose perceptively as we counted down. Rose the next morning and watched the sun take its place. Listened to the surf and walked the beach as the warm ocean water caressed my feet. Found washed up shells to carry home. Wondered what is next for me. Only my heart can tell.

Love, you know, inspires me.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Watch a human fly

Stumbled across this on the internet and I fell in love with it. May it inspire your flights of fancy.

Sunday, September 2, 2007


WeSt PalM BeaCh

Bryce and Ken wound down their Ozzfest tour and it was HOTT.

Starting in Seattle and traipsing across the entire United States this summer, Bryce and Ken managed to keep several unique freaky acts working and survived a blow down. When I saw them I could tell they’d put their heart and soul into their dream and the schedule and miles had beaten them up. I met Ken years ago when he’d come backstage at the circus and hang around. At the time he spoke of pursuing his dream of creating a side show based on historical accuracy. He now has a museum quality collection of artifacts that unfortunately didn’t make this tour. Too hectic. But he has, in fact, followed his dream and I’m sure will continue to do so. It would be nice to see his entire collection displayed alongside his sideshow in a permanent setting. He’s also an accomplished drummer and record producer. Check out Shemp and the songs they’ve produced.

I met Bryce in Dallas when I was touring also and he’s been the force behind Ken to get this show on the road. Great guy and what a hard worker. He’s managed others into amazing careers and I’m sure will continue to do so. His company is called Brown Gravy Entertainment. This guy knows how to get things done.

Pictured here are:

William Dark a formidable fire performer and contact juggler.

Featured in a Red Hot Chili Pepper’s music video, GoGoAnnie does a classic burlesque routine with gorgeous red sequined costume.

Here’s to your recuperation and regrouping into your next freak show manifestation.

Thanks guys for the hospitality!